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03/27/2003 Entry: "Anudder Weak"

Well, it's been a week or so since my last posting - let's see what's happened in the past 7 or 8 days...

The war in Iraq is on (duh!).

I am not employed.

I have been transfixed watching FOX NEWS on the telly.

I am forever telling people that I have to go - there's a briefing at The Pentagon at 1330 and I am expected to be there (in spirit, that is).

I got a haircut.

We had DirecTV installed and booted cable.

I helped clean/organize the garage.

I had some work boots refinished.

I cleaned out a closet.

I am quickly running out of friends to buy me 'grief' lunches.

We have discovered that our newish addition Harley (the Other Wonder Puppy) has a penchant for eating trees. No, that was not a typo... TREES.

We have not yet had to use our gas masks.

I trimmed my goatee.

I was told, by my Bride, NOT to sell my USP 40C.

I was told, by my Bride, that I am NOT to buy another P7 (for the time being).

I am applying to the Dallas Police Department.

I am too old to be drafted by the military.

I mowed the lawn.

I was diagnosed with "Analysis Paralysis".

See how fun being unemployed is? Actually, I consider myself to be "Self Unemployed" which sounds a little better I think.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Stay safe, stay alert and stay with Fox News.

God I need a job.....

Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum.

Edited to add the following:

I just felt the need to add the following to today's activities...

This evening I was hit in the head with a baggie of dog poop.

No, really. Here's what happened:

My Bride and I were out walking the puppets (The Wonder Puppies) when Harley (El Goof-o) decided that he needed to... eh... go poop. Being a good neighbor, my Bride took out one of the many plastic bags we tote around and she scooped up the poop and tied the poo-laden baggie back to the recoil leash thing.

No biggie.

Well, Bailey (The Wonder Puppy) decides that she wanted to have fun and cross under Harley's lead thus crossing the lead lines. My Bride has the wonderful idea that, to avoid entanglement, she would simply rise up and swiftly move her arm and coil leash thingy OVER MY HEAD thus allowing me to pass under.

Good in theory.

Bad in execution.

I think she misjudged the amount of sag in the bag caused by the mega-poo.

Smack! in the left temple.

I was hit!

I was going down.

Luckily for me I fell back on my training and knew exactly what to do - I whined like a 12 year old girl whilst rubbing my super-anti-bacterial hands vigorously on my noggin! I was in the early stages of shock but fought it managed to pull myself back from the edge.


That was a close one.

My Bride, always the caring sort, was near tears laughing at me - no doubt breaking her up inside, or so she says...

Luckily we finished the walk incident free and was just thankful that I could walk away from this one.

Be careful out there.

Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.

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