Park Cities Tactical


Monday, April 5, 2004

Is it April?!? 2004?!?!? Man am I a slacker... for those that may check here more frequently than others, sorry for the delay!

Now this time I really do have a GREAT excuse for not updating this BLOG here on PCT... my wife is PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're pretty sure that I'm the father...

OK- yes I am the father... I'd better be the $^*&%*$*& father!

Speaking of fathers - why the hell do certain 'Democratic' children fail to understand/follow the rules for crossing the street on red lights?!?!?

I mean how hard can it really be? This afternoon whilst coming home from my office I was at a light waiting to turn left - blinker active and in the left turn lane all of a sudden I found myself becoming surrounded by a bunch of Section 8 Jr. High School kids crossing the street - some in FRONT of my damn truck!!!!!!!!!

What the hell were they thinking?!? The other 6 or 8 did manage to bang enough brain cells together to at least walk behind my truck... of course they were eyeing my bag that I carry to work which was strategically placed in the bed behind the cab of the truck. I did waggle one of my fingers in the air (no - not that finger) to let the little W recipient that I saw him and knew what he was thinking.


Nice to see my tax dollars hard at work - NOT.

OK - so anyway happy 2004 (a bit late) and I'll post more later. Maybe.

Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem.

Posted by Stephen @ 07:08 PM CST [Link]

Sunday, December 21, 2003

My last thought provoking posting was this past April and I have had a great deal of time to think carefully about my next posting here on the 'ole Blog-a-Roo. This next entry must be thoughtful, intriguing, well planned, esoteric, grounded, extemporaneous and brilliant.

Are you ready?

OK - here goes.

Merry Christmas!

Sure it looks like a relatively simple spurt of words but think about what I just said (typed). I used the "C" word!


I'll have the friggin' ACLU on my ass so fast that it'll make your head spin!

Since when did it become a crime to use the "C" word? Is CHRISTMAS really that offensive? Or is it the word that offends? I know MANY non-Christians and even a few Atheists who "observe" Christmas for one simple reason.






So why in Hades would one who is so hyper-offended at something exploit/use it for their own gain and enjoyment?

I just don't understand.

And why do I have to be so tolerant and tippy-toe around those who fear the "C" word and what it stands for? Me thinks that there are more of 'ME' out there than the 'THEM'... It's like these other goofy things:

1. Removal of the 10 Commandments from that building in AL. Yeah, old news but stupid. The judge was stupid too AFTER he had made his point.

2. We cannot use the terms Master and slave when referring to a computer as it will offend the AA's. Not a law yet but keep watching...

3. Those little plug-in doohitchies in the back of your stereo? The RCA jacks which are commonly referred to as MALE and FEMALE? Uh-uh. That's offensive to the 'Trans-Gendered' crowd. WTF? I suppose they want the MALE to MALE/FEMALE to FEMALE and the CONFUSEDASHELL to CONFUSEDASHELL type plugs.

It's strange that the system will bend over for the 0.0000278% of the population that finds something offensive.


Are we that sensitive in the US? No wonder we're 'picked-on' as we've become the wussy all of a sudden.

I have drifted off course just a tad - allow me to bring this ship back to port (if that's OK and does not offend the repressed sailor in you). Christmas is a time for love, sharing, giving and family... the latter taking precedent and of the greatest importance.

Be good.
Say your prayers.
Listen to Rush and Hannity.
Thanks for your continued support of PCT.

Try and keep the Christ in Christmas and forget what the others may think and say.

Merry Christmas
Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est.

Posted by Stephen @ 10:22 PM CST [Link]

Friday, April 4, 2003

So what is your "Born-on Date" anyway?

Was it the day that you were conceived? Born? Found your God?

To answer the question would be cheating so let me delve a bit further.

Why is it that you are/I am here?
What is is that you are/I am expected to do?
How are you/am I supposed to do it?

I have always thought that one day, like magic, the proverbial light bulb would pop on in my head or somewhere deep in my psyche and I would see or perhaps, understand the reason for my being and what it is that I am supposed to be doing with my life. I feel that some get this 'call' early in life while others get the 'call' later in life and yet even the other others, like me, do not have call waiting and am on the phone when the 'call' tried to come through.

I often think of it as a riddle wrapped neatly inside of an enigma which has been sealed in a mayonnaise jar and placed on Ben and Jerry's front porch (no one knows who Funk and Wagnall are anymore).

But seriously - I do look at and think about those three items above and, quite frankly, it scares the daylights out of me because I cannot answer the questions honestly or seriously.

No, not everything in my life is a joke or funny. Even I get a bit cerebral at times.

This really scares the hell out of me.

People are always asking me "What do you want to do with your life?" and I always give the stock answer.

"I really don't know."

That's when I get one of two replies:

1. "No, really, what do you want to do?"
2. "What do you mean 'you don't know'?"

I was being dead serious.

Oh sure I have a bunch of interest - maybe too many, but none that would excite me for the rest of my working life.

"So what skills do you have?" is the usual next question of which I have 2 answers:

1. "A bunch."
2. "None."

Do you see where this is going?

How can I answer a question honestly when I have no idea of the answer myself? Hence the riddle in the enigma.

So why is it that I am here? What purpose am I serving? What difference can or will I make? In 100 years - who is going to care?

I have known and do know many of the 'lucky' ones that can answer these questions. I know architects that have been in practice for decades, love what they do and would have dreamed of nothing else; I have known those who wanted to be artists/painters and have done nothing else; I have known doctors and surgeons, actors and actresses, singers, dancers, ventriloquists, lawyers, Veterinarians and teachers who all have fulfilled what it is in their lives that they were meant to do.

The date and time of this revelation was their 'Born on Date'.

The unfortunate thing for me is that I can't look and see what my 'Born on Date' is. I don't know where to look and may not know what it is if I am staring right at it.

"So what are you good at?"
"Just about anything I put my mind to."

"What do you have problems with?"
"Bosses who know less than I do, work less than I do, care less than I do, get paid more than I do, get more credit than I do when I fix their problems..."

"Do you have trouble with authority?"
"Yes... yes I do in some cases."

"See above."

"That's just the way things are in the world... get used to it."
"Maybe in your world."

"Why do you find it so easy to get others great jobs, pay, pay increases and other fringes but not for yourself."
"I cannot sell myself. I am my own worst enemy."

"Do you lack confidence or have self-esteem issues?"

And this is where I was stuck for several minutes watching a blinking cursor.

I have never wanted fame or fortune. I have worked for those who did have fame and fortune and
I didn't see any more happiness than I had existing on the other end of the socio-economic scale. I'm not angry about that as I really don't need some of the opulent things I have seen people with and I can live on an honest days pay.

The one thing I can say with certainty is that I have lived my life, worked and behaved with honesty and integrity. I was always taught to do this and have done so. What kills me is those who don't adhere to the same code of ethics and conduct that I do get ahead in life. Will it come back and bite them in the butt later? Maybe. Then again, maybe not.

It's just not worth it to me to live my life any differently than I do and risk all that I am for what I could or should be. Maybe that sounds too Victorian, purist, naive or dumb but that's just the way it is in Stephenville (no - not the city).

Has this school of thought cost me?

Do I regret that?
Absolutely not.

You can't buy, borrow, steal, rent, lease or procure integrity. You either have it or you don't. It's that simple. Much like ethics - you have it or you don't. You can't be on the fence about it - no more than you can have a 'sort-of but not always burnt out light bulb'. It is or it isn't.

These are the sorts of things that rattle me out of a perfectly good nights sleep. My brain had been filling (insert joke here) since about 3:28 this morning and now it's after 5:40

Maybe my 'Born on Date' has yet to be realized and life will get into full Technicolor for me with all diffusers and effects lenses cast aside.
Maybe my main purpose and goal are yet to be revealed and my Rubik's Cube of a career will all be sorted out and clear to me.
Maybe the next boss that I have will be able to know me, teach me, understand me and use me in a positive and challenging way.
Maybe I will make a difference and contribute to society.
Maybe I will have an impact on one's life and make a difference.
Maybe through this exercise I have had call waiting installed and can now accept 'that call'.

Now maybe I'll try and go back to sleep for a while.


Solum potestis prohibere ignes silvarum.

Posted by Stephen @ 05:52 AM CST [Link]

Sunday, March 30, 2003

Today's BLOG entry brought to you in part by Burt Bacharach's "Casino Royale"

Well I can say that by the smell of engine fumes and cut grass that spring is upon us. Actually, around Casa Stephen, mow season has been here for a few weeks but it's really getting to be that time of year now.

See, I sorta didn't mow last week thus my lawn has growneth over and nearly bogged down the Law-Boy lovingly referred to as "Mowzilla". So off I trotted to the yard for a mow, edge, trim and such. What fun! Actually I do like mowing the yard and NO I won't come over and mow yours.

A few neighbors have asked how our yard/lawn is SO green this early! Our secret? We dye it green!

OK, that was a lie.

This section is brought to you by Burt's "The Cowboy and Indian's Fight Scene" from "Casino Royale".

Truth is that I over seeded the lawn last year with winter rye (or something) but it didn't germinate until a few weeks ago! I think I had "slow" grass if ya know what I mean... So now it's REALLY green and grows like MAD!

Well, it will REALLY be Mow Town here when I start to do my creative mowing patterns.

The what you ask?

This sections has been brought to you courtesy of Perez Prado's "Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White"

No - I just can't mow linearly, oh no. I have to do designs, etc. For example a few years ago Joan (the Bride person) went to Japan on business. As a surprise upon her return I had mowed a HUGE Japanese flag/rising sun in the yard. Another time I did a saw-tooth mow and still yet a wavy one.

Every now and then I will just mow diagonally and other times in a herringbone pattern.

Hey - you just gotta have fun y'know?

After mowing I gingerly rinse off Mowzilla (after she's properly cooled), scrape out the clogged grass from the underside and place her back into her spot in the garage. Trouble is that I typically end up with green fingers (like today) from scooping out the grass clippings... well a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do (that's my story anyway).

This section has been brought to you by Henry Mancini's "Theme from A Summer Place" which is great for practicing your 'Air Violin'!

OK - so when no one is looking I play the air violin - so SUE ME. I also do the air trumpet, air drums and jump rope while seated in my chair. Top that! Actually jumping rope while seated takes an enormous amount of skill and should not be attempted at home unless properly supervised and whilst "spotted" by your personal trainer and with the proper regulation inviso-rope.

I have to get this off of my chest - Floppy drives (that pesky A: you see in your Window's Explorer screen) will start to be an ACCESSORY and NOT standard equipment for PC's starting v-e-r-y soon. I say we all band together to "SAVE THE FLOPPY". Yeah, this will go nowhere... I just want to protest SOMETHING but nothing too edgy or that actually might land my arse in jail.

I'm kind of a weenie protestor I suppose... kinda like when I boycotted Luxembourg.

Why on earth did I boycott Luxembourg?

I'll tell you dammit! They are the ONLY nation that is ruled by a Grand Duchy and they arrogantly DENIED my application for the position. Jerks. After that debacle I no longer bought... well... they really don't produce anything but if they did I would boycott THAT. They just don't make anything to SPITE me... the evil of some...

Well, that's about it for the day - I need to go get this green grass goo off of my hands and continue my boycott of Luxembourg.

Solum potestis prohibere ignes silvarum.

Posted by Stephen @ 05:33 PM CST [Link]

Thursday, March 27, 2003

Well, it's been a week or so since my last posting - let's see what's happened in the past 7 or 8 days...

The war in Iraq is on (duh!).

I am not employed.

I have been transfixed watching FOX NEWS on the telly.

I am forever telling people that I have to go - there's a briefing at The Pentagon at 1330 and I am expected to be there (in spirit, that is).

I got a haircut.

We had DirecTV installed and booted cable.

I helped clean/organize the garage.

I had some work boots refinished.

I cleaned out a closet.

I am quickly running out of friends to buy me 'grief' lunches.

We have discovered that our newish addition Harley (the Other Wonder Puppy) has a penchant for eating trees. No, that was not a typo... TREES.

We have not yet had to use our gas masks.

I trimmed my goatee.

I was told, by my Bride, NOT to sell my USP 40C.

I was told, by my Bride, that I am NOT to buy another P7 (for the time being).

I am applying to the Dallas Police Department.

I am too old to be drafted by the military.

I mowed the lawn.

I was diagnosed with "Analysis Paralysis".

See how fun being unemployed is? Actually, I consider myself to be "Self Unemployed" which sounds a little better I think.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Stay safe, stay alert and stay with Fox News.

God I need a job.....

Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum.

Edited to add the following:

I just felt the need to add the following to today's activities...

This evening I was hit in the head with a baggie of dog poop.

No, really. Here's what happened:

My Bride and I were out walking the puppets (The Wonder Puppies) when Harley (El Goof-o) decided that he needed to... eh... go poop. Being a good neighbor, my Bride took out one of the many plastic bags we tote around and she scooped up the poop and tied the poo-laden baggie back to the recoil leash thing.

No biggie.

Well, Bailey (The Wonder Puppy) decides that she wanted to have fun and cross under Harley's lead thus crossing the lead lines. My Bride has the wonderful idea that, to avoid entanglement, she would simply rise up and swiftly move her arm and coil leash thingy OVER MY HEAD thus allowing me to pass under.

Good in theory.

Bad in execution.

I think she misjudged the amount of sag in the bag caused by the mega-poo.

Smack! in the left temple.

I was hit!

I was going down.

Luckily for me I fell back on my training and knew exactly what to do - I whined like a 12 year old girl whilst rubbing my super-anti-bacterial hands vigorously on my noggin! I was in the early stages of shock but fought it managed to pull myself back from the edge.


That was a close one.

My Bride, always the caring sort, was near tears laughing at me - no doubt breaking her up inside, or so she says...

Luckily we finished the walk incident free and was just thankful that I could walk away from this one.

Be careful out there.

Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.

Posted by Stephen @ 10:08 AM CST [Link]

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Well, as you are no doubt aware, we are inside of 2 hours before the 'time runs out' for Saddam and his cohorts. While I am glad that this will finally end his evil regime, I am quasi-nervous about what may transpire as a result of this action.

Make no mistake - I am FOR this action in Iraq and I am 110% behind this Administration and our President in his/their decisions. I am assuming that they are better briefed than I ;)

Anyway - I thought I would gather a few helpful links for you to think about and consider if and when something should happen on our side of the pond:


Anyway - just a list of a few helpful links.

That's about it for now - FOX NEWS is calling me.

Stay alert, be safe, front sight press and remember to squeeeeeeze gently ;)

Posted by Stephen @ 05:27 PM CST [Link]

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

OK - so what happened to February? Sheeesh, I make a posting on the Blog back in January, settle in for a nap and WHAMMO it's MARCH!

Yes, that was a veiled attempt at a lame excuse.

To tell you the truth - I sort of forgot about the BLOG. Oh sure I had plenty to ramble on about it's just that I was not in a "Blog State of Mind" or something like that.

Anyway, let's not dwell on the past; rather let's look at today and tomorrow. So what's new? Well, LOTS! For starters I have redesigned and revamped my (almost) entire web site with new color schemes, logos and the like. I am very proud of the look and hope you enjoy it as well. I have removed a few pages/areas that were not getting too much attention thus clearing up a little space on the server which is a good thing ;)

Further I have updated my Bulletin Board to the newest version which has a good number of whistles and bells. You can read about all of that HERE

Finally I have updated the Member Photo Album. This is a FREE service I provide for my Bulletin Board Members. This is simply a place to upload and share/link photos. The updated Photo Album can be found HERE Bear in mind that you have to be 'signed in' to the BB and have your cookies enabled for the Album to recognize you - yes they are linked.

So there you have it - no rants, complaints or whining this time.

Amazing, ain't it?

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.

Posted by Stephen @ 09:09 PM CST [Link]


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