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12/21/2003 Entry: "I am a BUM"

My last thought provoking posting was this past April and I have had a great deal of time to think carefully about my next posting here on the 'ole Blog-a-Roo. This next entry must be thoughtful, intriguing, well planned, esoteric, grounded, extemporaneous and brilliant.

Are you ready?

OK - here goes.

Merry Christmas!

Sure it looks like a relatively simple spurt of words but think about what I just said (typed). I used the "C" word!


I'll have the friggin' ACLU on my ass so fast that it'll make your head spin!

Since when did it become a crime to use the "C" word? Is CHRISTMAS really that offensive? Or is it the word that offends? I know MANY non-Christians and even a few Atheists who "observe" Christmas for one simple reason.






So why in Hades would one who is so hyper-offended at something exploit/use it for their own gain and enjoyment?

I just don't understand.

And why do I have to be so tolerant and tippy-toe around those who fear the "C" word and what it stands for? Me thinks that there are more of 'ME' out there than the 'THEM'... It's like these other goofy things:

1. Removal of the 10 Commandments from that building in AL. Yeah, old news but stupid. The judge was stupid too AFTER he had made his point.

2. We cannot use the terms Master and slave when referring to a computer as it will offend the AA's. Not a law yet but keep watching...

3. Those little plug-in doohitchies in the back of your stereo? The RCA jacks which are commonly referred to as MALE and FEMALE? Uh-uh. That's offensive to the 'Trans-Gendered' crowd. WTF? I suppose they want the MALE to MALE/FEMALE to FEMALE and the CONFUSEDASHELL to CONFUSEDASHELL type plugs.

It's strange that the system will bend over for the 0.0000278% of the population that finds something offensive.


Are we that sensitive in the US? No wonder we're 'picked-on' as we've become the wussy all of a sudden.

I have drifted off course just a tad - allow me to bring this ship back to port (if that's OK and does not offend the repressed sailor in you). Christmas is a time for love, sharing, giving and family... the latter taking precedent and of the greatest importance.

Be good.
Say your prayers.
Listen to Rush and Hannity.
Thanks for your continued support of PCT.

Try and keep the Christ in Christmas and forget what the others may think and say.

Merry Christmas
Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est.

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