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04/05/2004 Entry: "What the hell?!?"

Is it April?!? 2004?!?!? Man am I a slacker... for those that may check here more frequently than others, sorry for the delay!

Now this time I really do have a GREAT excuse for not updating this BLOG here on PCT... my wife is PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're pretty sure that I'm the father...

OK- yes I am the father... I'd better be the $^*&%*$*& father!

Speaking of fathers - why the hell do certain 'Democratic' children fail to understand/follow the rules for crossing the street on red lights?!?!?

I mean how hard can it really be? This afternoon whilst coming home from my office I was at a light waiting to turn left - blinker active and in the left turn lane all of a sudden I found myself becoming surrounded by a bunch of Section 8 Jr. High School kids crossing the street - some in FRONT of my damn truck!!!!!!!!!

What the hell were they thinking?!? The other 6 or 8 did manage to bang enough brain cells together to at least walk behind my truck... of course they were eyeing my bag that I carry to work which was strategically placed in the bed behind the cab of the truck. I did waggle one of my fingers in the air (no - not that finger) to let the little W recipient that I saw him and knew what he was thinking.


Nice to see my tax dollars hard at work - NOT.

OK - so anyway happy 2004 (a bit late) and I'll post more later. Maybe.

Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem.

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